NOTICE: Classes canceled today due to weather conditions. 检查黑板上的沟通,从你的导师.

psychology students study together on campus

Psychology Major

Earn a bachelor's degree in psychology

SBU的心理学学士学位为您提供科学基础的探索 个人的行为和心理过程,为你做好准备 of career paths. SBU的心理学专业以人为本,强调应用和实践 learning opportunities.

独特的课程设置提供了广泛的选择,让你 在选择最适合自己需求的课程时,增加课程的广度和深度 and interests. 除了你的心理学专业,你还可以选择增加一门 辅修心理咨询,刑事司法,老年学,运动表现心理学, or sociology. A certificate in child care work is also available.

心理学学士学位是通过SBU提供的 College of Arts and Sciences



Degree Plan


(83%的全职心理学教师拥有博士学位和最终认证 in their field.)

Earn Your Degree at Any of These Campuses

Bolivar Campus

成为一个以基督为中心的关怀环境的一部分,因为你在学业和生活上取得了成功 grow spiritually. 你会发现我们的玻利瓦尔校园是一个完美的地方去发现 你的激情,同时得到教职员工的支持.

Bolivar Campus Information

Salem Campus

为登特县及周边地区的居民提供离家近的高等教育. 课程在下午和晚上授课,在SBU-Salem可以获得学位 for people who are in the workforce.

Salem Campus Information

Mountain View Campus

当您成为sbu -山景城大家庭的一员时,加入一个紧密联系的社区! 学生和教师通过小班和小组形成密切的联系 opportunities. 

Mountain View Campus Information

SBU students

The SBU Advantage

  • 向教师学习,在多个领域获得广泛的第一手现实世界经验 careers.
  • 小班授课为个性化教学和高质量的人际关系提供了机会.
  • SBU以人为本的心理学方法使学生具备人际关系 以及仆人式领导技能,这将为他们提供无尽的职业机会.
  • 通过在当地社区机构完成实习,将你学到的知识付诸行动 during your junior and/or senior year.

Faith Integration

基督教信仰与学术学科的有意整合是有区别的 SBU's psychology school. 基督教的心理学和咨询观点渗透其中 every course. 教师们致力于对有争议的话题进行诚实的讨论 用公平的态度对待多个角度,同时从各个角度接近 the lens of a Christian worldview. Students are equipped to become the best professionals 为了在他们所选择的职业中更好地为基督作见证.

虽然所有的课程内在地整合了基督教信仰,行为学系 科学也提供特别的课程,专门关注信仰整合,如 《宝博体育》、《宝博体育》、《宝博体育》.

圣经采用彼得后书1:5-7作为经文:“因此, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love."


Internship Opportunities for SBU Psychology Students

  • Working with the developmentally disabled:欧扎克之弧,第一次发球,麦什本,欧扎克之新星中心
  • Working with kids:早期干预服务,高中辅导员实习生,各种营地,治疗 camps for at-risk kids
  • Working with older adults: Polk County Senior Center, various nursing homes
  • Working in psychoeducation: Polk County Health Department
  • Working with people with mental illness:波尔克县精神卫生法庭、考克斯医院精神卫生住院科、Mercy Hospital's Marion Center, Freedom Counseling
  • Working with troubled teens:好撒玛利亚人男孩牧场,莱克兰,地区女孩收容所
  • Working with people in crisis:阿尔法之家怀孕资源中心,希望之家家庭暴力庇护所, Polk County Drug Court, refugee work in the Middle East

What can you do with a bachelor's degree in psychology?



  • Clinical and counseling psychology*
  • Group home workers
  • Human resources
  • Industrial-organizational psychology
  • Mental health case workers
  • Ministry and mission work
  • Nonprofit organizational work
  • Physical therapy*
  • Social service workers
  • Sports psychology


Graduate Schools


  • SBU's own Doctor of Physical Therapy program
  • Baylor University
  • Biola University
  • Roberts Wesleyan University
  • University of Missouri
  • University of Oklahoma
  • Virginia Commonwealth University


Caitlin Gasaway
“SBU为我提供了我现在使用的批判性思维和沟通技巧 on a daily basis as I work in a multicultural context. SBU encourages holistic development 让学生在智力上、情感上、精神上和人际关系上成长."
Caitlin Gasaway '09

Clubs and Organizations

Behavioral Sciences Club

作为一名行为科学专业的学生,我们鼓励你加入SBU的行为科学专业 俱乐部,它将所有对行为科学感兴趣和学习行为科学的学生团结在一起, 包括刑事司法、心理学、社会工作和社会学. Club members meet 定期互相鼓励,参与各种服务项目.

Psi Chi

加入SBU的Psi Chi分会,这是一个全国性的心理学学生荣誉协会 谁在学术上出类拔萃,表现出高标准的个人行为,并寻求 advance the science of psychology.

Sociology and Criminal Justice Society (SCJS)

加入SBU的社会学和刑事司法协会(SCJS)分会,这是一个荣誉协会 为学习社会学和刑事司法的行为科学学生准备的.


心理学专业的学生有机会申请一些私人资助的奖学金 including:

  • Autry and Irene Brown Scholarship
  • Joe B. Shelton Scholarship
  • Parsons Scholarship
  • Rose E. Ray Scholarship
  • Sara McGaha Memorial Scholarship