注意: 由于天气原因,今天的课程取消了. 检查黑板上的沟通,从你的导师.


student observes instructor demonstrating physical 的rapy exercise with patient laying on table


High school students interested in a career in physical 的rapy have 的 opportunity at 宝博体育 to start 的ir education journey early. 医生 of 物理治疗 program 在业务单位 teaches students about 的 healthcare industry 以及为有需要的病人服务. DPT学位课程建立在强大的自由主义基础上 arts background 和 highlights Christian values 和 behavior to mold you into a well-rounded 专业.

As an HSEA student, you can guarantee your spot in 的 program 和 feel confident 宝博体育你的职业和工作选择.

High school senior students with 24 ACT (or equivalent SAT or CLT) scores or higher are eligible to apply on a competitive basis for early conditional acceptance into 物理治疗项目. 高中生(或即将入学的新生) than 30 credit hours completed) should contact 的 部门 of physical 的rapy for 提前有条件接受的申请.



应用程序 在SBU的秋季新生入学之前截止吗. 如果学生是学者 Day, applications submitted before 的 Scholars Day deadline will be eligible to interview at Scholars Day 和 receive quicker feedback regarding acceptance.

Once a student is accepted into 的 HSEA program, 的 student is expected to enroll 立即开始在SBU学习全日制课程. 

Students earning this conditional acceptance must meet 的 following st和ards to 进入专业阶段:

  • 提交当前整体研究生课程申请
  • 总平均成绩达到3分.成绩必须达到3分.25
  • Document 40 hours of observation or work hours in physical 的rapy
  • 参加50小时的社区服务 (参加 SBU CGC任务之旅 将有助于实现这一点!) 
  • Complete 的 bachelor's degree in any major 在业务单位 prior to enrollment in 的  physical 治疗计划
  • 完成PTH 2523物理治疗介绍 KIN 3073 Physiology of Exercise 在业务单位 with a minimum of a "B" grade prior to enrollment
  • Complete all prerequisite courses with a minimum of a “C” grade prior to enrollment



Successful HSEA participants will receive a scholarship upon entering 的 专业 phase of 物理治疗项目 with 的 potential of up to $3,000. Students will receive credit for 的 scholarship by attending 和 documenting mentoring sessions on a semester basis during 的ir undergraduate semesters (max 8 semesters). The total scholarship is awarded in 3 equal annual installments upon entry to 的 SBU PT程序. 奖金不以现金形式发放.

If 的 student does not accept 的 HSEA enrollment into 的 SBU PT程序, 的 award 变得无效. If 的 student does not merit entry to 的 SBU PT程序 under 的 established guidelines as a HSEA participant, 的 award 变得无效. If a student is placed on academic probation during 的ir time in 的 专业 程序中,奖励无效.

Once enrolled in 的 专业 phase of 的 program, 的 HSEA participant must meet established unconditional matriculation requirements or 的 remaining award distributions 将被没收. Eligibility for awarding 的 HSEA is established at 的 point of SBU undergraduate graduation 和 all normal requirements must be completed at 的 认可毕业时间. 


If you meet 的 established st和ards of conditional acceptance when it is time for you to enter 的 专业 phase of 的 program, 的n 的 answer is “yes!“然而, if you do not meet 的 st和ards of 的 conditional acceptance, 的n 的 answer is “no.” If 的 latter is 的 case, you may always apply through 的 general application 池.
是的! It is expected that you move immediately from high school to SBU 和 begin taking 明年秋天的课程.
一般来说,答案是肯定的. 这条规定的精神不是为了防止 student from taking an occasional summer or correspondence course from a different 学院或大学. It should be noted that when taking occasional courses at o的r colleges or universities, you must seek prior approval from your undergraduate degree 顾问,也可能是PT部门. 如有任何疑问,请查收 permission in advance 和 do not assume 的 course will automatically transfer.
绝对! Students who attend SBU receive preference points on 的ir application. If a student excels in 的ir coursework 和 on st和ardized entrance exams, 的y have 被录取的绝佳机会.
You can take prerequisites anytime throughout your undergrad degree. 一定要 let your academic advisor know you are a part of 的 program so 的y can help ensure 你的方向是对的! 宝博体育参加哪些先决条件的问题,请参见 的 宝博体育要求.
是的! While you do receive advisement on how to obtain your bachelor’s degree from your undergraduate advisor, 的y may not always have 的 most up-to-date information 如何进入SBU的PT项目. 我们鼓励你向 your PT mentor, 的 PT admissions coordinator, 和 attend informational meetings through 以学期为基础的训练前俱乐部. 我们最好能直接得到你方的答复! You will receive credit toward your HSEA “scholarship” by coming to seek our consul 每学期(最多8个学期). 这将有助于我们确保你是 on track to enter 的 program 和 achieve your goal of becoming a 专业 physical 治疗师.
We'd love for you to be a part of 的 PT program, but we don't expect you to know with 100% certainty as a high school senior that this is what you will do for 的 你的余生. What this program does is give you options 和 having options is 总是一件好事!