NOTICE: Classes canceled today due to weather conditions. 检查黑板上的沟通,从你的导师.

University Chapel 和 Discipleship Ministries


Chapel: The Heart of the SBU Experience

教堂是SBU体验的一个组成部分,也是我们共同生活的中心. 教堂通过提供共享的经验,帮助建立SBU的社区意识 敬拜、圣经教导、团体和祷告.

每学期的第一周将以一个特别的圣经或宣教会议开始. 礼拜堂礼拜将于每周一及三上午10:00-10:50举行.m. in Pike Auditorium, which is located inside Mabee Chapel.

Chapel Live Streams

Chapel is held every Monday 和 Wednesday at 10 a.m.
Watch Live

所有的教堂仪式都将在YouTube上直播. Subscribe to the SBU YouTube channel to get notified each time we go live!

Spring 2024 Chapel Schedule

Chapel is held every Monday 和 Wednesday at 10 a.m. Join us for these Chapel events during the Spring 2023 semester.

Monday January 8: High Street Worship Chapel

Wednesday, January 10: Jonathon Woodyard

Monday, January 15: No Chapel MLK Day

Wednesday, January 17: Daniel DeWitt

Monday, January 22: Rick Melson

Wednesday, January 24: Jonathon Woodyard

Monday, January 29: Stedman Valentine

Wednesday, January 31: Jonathon Woodyard

Monday, February 5: Stedman Valentine

Wednesday, February 7: Matthew Kimbrough

Monday, February 12 Ryan Griffith

Wednesday, February 14: Interview with Bill Walkup

Monday, February 19: Daniel Dewitt

Wednesday, February 21: Camden Pulliam

Monday, February 26: Brad Lotz

Wednesday, February 28: Erik Reed

Monday, March 4: Jeremy Thomas

Wednesday, March 6: Jeremy Linneman

Monday, March 11: Daniel DeWitt

Wednesday, March 13: Stedman Valentine

Monday, March 18: Dr. John Marshall - Missions Week

Wednesday, March 20: Dr. John Marshall - Missions Week

Monday, March 25: Spring Break - No Chapel

Wednesday, March 27: Spring Break - No Chapel

Monday, April 1: Easter Monday - No Chapel

Wednesday, April 3: Worship Collective Chapel

Monday, April 8: Ryan Griffith

Wednesday, April 10: Stedman Valentine

Monday, April 15: Daniel DeWitt

Wednesday, April 17: Stedman Valentine

Monday, April 22: Student Chapel

Wednesday, April 24: Rick Melson

Chapel Attendance

教堂是我们共同生活的中心,定期出席是毕业要求 for most students.

Residential Students

玻利瓦尔校区的所有全日制,攻读学位的本科生都可以参加 to attend Chapel during their time at SBU. Students are required to attend a minimum 本学期所提供的礼拜仪式的75%.

学生必须在派克礼堂出口扫描学生证 each Chapel service to confirm chapel attendance. Any student who fails to present his ID may sign in 和 out with a chapel monitor. Any student who has lost their ID 应该通过位于 803 S. Pike Ave., Bolivar, MO 65613 between the hours of 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

晚上和周末的教堂服务有时会提供额外的学分. 教堂不能代替参与当地教会和学生的生活 强烈鼓励优先考虑教会成员资格

Commuting Students

所有居住在15英里以上的全日制本科学位学生 远离玻利瓦尔校园的人被认为是通勤者. Commuters are encouraged to 参加教堂活动,但不受出席要求的限制. 所有 non-commuting 学生应达到出席教堂的要求.

Other Students

欢迎研究生、兼职学生和高中生参加. 所有 students 那些不能和我们一起聚会的人被鼓励参加虚拟会议 on the SBU YouTube channel.

Chapel Exemptions:

一个学期的礼拜堂豁免将只授予学生的学术 该项目需要实习、临床轮转或学生教学 place during the chapel hour. 特殊情况可逐案考虑 基础.

申请豁免的学生必须填写并提交教堂豁免申请 form during the first two weeks of the semester. Student will receive an email to 确认他们的请求是否被批准或拒绝. 

Chapel Etiquette

我们聚集在教堂,以各种方式提醒上帝的善良. 所有 参与者被要求遵守下面列出的教堂行为准则.

  • 准时到达并在仪式开始前就座
  • 作为一个积极的倾听者和敬拜的参与者
  • 避免使用电子设备,包括电脑和电话
  • 避免私人谈话或其他分散注意力的行为
  • 避免学习或其他与教堂课程没有直接关系的阅读
  • Remove caps during times of prayer

不遵守这些指导方针的学生将受到纪律处分 可能包括,但不限于,失去教堂的出勤积分.

Chapel Credit 和 Discipline

学生在一个学期内没有参加75%的礼拜堂,将被开除 chapel notice for the following semester. 如果学生错过了四个或更少的教堂,他或她 必须按时出勤并补课吗
chapels. 如果学生错过了四个以上的教堂,他或她必须满足出席人数 requirement, make up four chapels, 和 either 完成一份读书报告(由校园牧师指定) or 上学期每多缺席一个礼拜,罚款20美元.

在校期间未达到出勤要求者 chapel notice will be placed on chapel probation for the following semester. 在试用期间,他或她必须达到出勤率 requirement, make up four chapels,
完成一份读书报告(由校园牧师指定) pay a $20 fine for each chapel not made up.

入学后一学期未达到出勤率者 在教堂的缓刑将被暂停见我们的 Student H和book.

任何为其他学生刷卡进出的学生都将丧失教堂学分 for both students. 这两个 students will also be fined $25. Any student who scans in, 在礼拜期间离开礼堂,然后再回来

学生应该通过mySBU自助服务每周检查他们的教堂出席情况 portal. 


在SBU,我们不仅致力于培养学生的真理,他们可能成为 使他们有智慧,又以公义教训他们,使他们圣洁. 这两个 occur in an environment dedicated to discipleship.

我们的目标是鼓励每个学生用他所有的心,思想和灵魂来爱主, 和 love his neighbor as himself. This is something we pray 和 labor for. We equip 我们的教职员工,我们培训我们的住宿主任和住宿助理,以及 我们为学生提供各种各样的门徒训练项目. Any student who desires 他或她在耶稣基督里的信心成长,将经历不缺乏的 opportunities to do so.

在SBU门徒训练的主要(但不是唯一)机会来自SBU D-Groups. 这些SBU d组由学生领导,并由Stedman Valentine监督 Campus Pastor 和 Director of Discipleship. For more information, contact Stedman Valentine.

Mission Projects

在SBU期间,您将有机会参与各种本地和全球活动 mission projects through the Center for Global Connections. 美国每年平均提供30个项目.S. 和 around the world during the January term, spring break 和 summer.

Learn More 宝博体育 the CGC

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